
'제국' 연구 - 카나다연합교회 질의

2005-07-28 23:24

여차저차 이만저만해서 카나다연합교회 <"제국"연구> 설문서가 나한테까지 날아왔는데,

벼락치기를 해야 할 판이라...

꼬부랑 글씨를 그대로 올려놔서 죄송!

누구든 떠오른 생각이 있으시면 아이디어 제공바랍니다.

특히 관심있는 우리 '農' 께서 생각이 많을 것 같은데...

비도 오는 중이라 바깥일은 안 하시남요? 혹시 짬 나면...

오늘 내일 오며가며 생각해 마무리지어야 하는데,

오늘 내일중 언제든 떠오른 생각이 있으면 간단한 메모 부탁합니다.

어차피 간단히 써야 하는 거니까...      

1. How does your church/organization understand and define Empire? Please provide a succinct definition if you can and use concrete examples to illustrate your definition, if possible.

2. How does your country or region experience Empire as you have defined it? Have there been positive effects as well as negative? Please give concrete illustrations, if possible.

3. Is which program areas is your church's/organization's work impacted or shaped by Empire, and how? Could you also indicate which program areas of your organization's work are most impacted or shaped? We are particularly interested in the program areas of human rights, peace/peace building, economic justice, and ecology/environment. Other program areas you may wish to address could include development, education, health and gender. Please use concrete examples.

4. What are the key ways your organization is responding to the forces of Empire as they impact your country, region or organization? What work are you already doing in this area?

5. What does your organization regard as the greatest challenges to or impacts posed by Empire within your national or regional contexts? Please give actual examples from your area of region, if possible.

6. What role does gender play in Empire? Has your church/organization experienced any differentiation in the way Empire impacts on men and women? If so please explain using concrete examples.

7. What role does religion play in Empire? Please explain carefully with examples.

8. What does your church/organization consider to be the most effective ways in which to challenge and resist the dominating and exploitive tendencies of Empire? What has not been effective?

9. In your organization's view, how can partners for social justice  south-south partners, south-north partners, north-north partners  best work together to respond to the challenges of Empire?

10. How can The United Church of Canada and your church/organization best work together to respond to the challenges of Empire?

11. Does your church/organization view anything positive or constructive about Empire or any aspect of Empire? If so, please give examples.

12. If possible, please choose two or three experiences that you have used to illustrate your responses to the above questions and expand on them as you wish. The material you provide will greatly assist us to develop awareness-raising resources for United Church members.

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